The Connection Between Our Mind and Body
A dialogue exists between the mind and body and conversely, an injury held in the body can affect the mind. If you are curious to learn more, below is a list of books that explore and explain the interplay between our mental selves and our physical selves from varying perspectives.
Understanding the Messages of Your Body: How to Interpret Physical and Emotional Signals to Achieve Optimal Health
by Jean Pierre Barral, D.O.
Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory by Deb Dana, LCSW
Walking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter Levine, PhD
When the Body Says NO: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection
by Gabor Mate, M.D.
Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine
by Candace Pert, Ph.D.
Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human
by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
MindSight: The New Science of Personal Transformation
by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing
of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.